Our Service

Cold Insulation

Cold Insulation

Cold insulation is applied to equipment and piping operating at temperatures below 10 degrees Celcius where reduction of heat gain and prevention of surfaces from condensation is desired. For such equipment and piping fixed without interlaying equipment and piping to be insulated over the attachments by the thickness of insulation such as skirts or leg of tanks, pipe supports, branches of vents and drain piping.

General Application Method
  • Cleaning Rust and dust and other foreign particles with the help of a wire brush.
  • One coat of anticorrosive paint over the pipe and surface area.
  • Fixing Cold Service Material with bitumen and sealing joints properly.
  • Fixing vapour barrier over the above material.
  • Jacketing with aluminium sheet proper grooved at the edge of the sheet for waterproofing and for reinforcement with self-tapping sheet metal screw.
The material used in cold insulation work:
  1. Poly styrene:Used up to a temperature of -20 degrees Celcius.
  2. Poly urethanes: Used up to a temperature of -200 degrees Celcius.
  3. Nitrile Rubber: Used up to a temperature of -200 degrees Celcius.